去年在美图公司实习的时候,研究了一段时间的SDM方法,写了一系列的博客,见《Supervised Descent Method and its Applications to Face Alignment》等,今年来到了杭州,进入了图片社交领域的佼佼者in实习,主要还是做人脸对齐。最近一段时间,一直在研究《Face Alignment at 3000 FPS via Regressing Local Binary Features》这篇文章,也为此搜集了很多资料,特整理在此,以供参考。
Face Alignment at 3000 FPS via Regressing Local Binary Features
Supervised Descent Method and its Applications to Face Alignment
Supervised Descent Method for Solving Nonlinear Least Squares Problems in Computer Vision
github code linking:
- luoyetx/face-alignment-at-3000fps(C++)
- freesouls/face-alignment-at-3000fps(C++)
- yulequan/face-alignment-in-3000fps(C++)
- jwyang/face-alignment(matlab)
- jwyang/face alignment in 3000fps with C++
- soundsilence/FaceAlignment
- patrikhuber/superviseddescent(C++11)
- patrikhuber/superviseddescent说明
- IntraFace(SDM官网)
- SDM作者主页
- IntraFace说明
- tntrung/impSDM(matlab)
- IntraFace 官方给的代码,可直接运行
other linking
- Face Alignment 最近几年paper收集
- An Empirical Study of Recent Face Alignment Methods
- Heng Yang @ Cambridge
- flandmark : Open-source implementation of facial landmark detector
- Supervised Descent Method Face Alignment 代码下载和算法研究
- 浅谈随机森林在人脸对齐上的应用~
- Face Alignment at 3000 FPS via Regressing Local Binary Features(luoyetx’blog)
- Face alignment at 3000FPS via Regressing Local Binrary features 理解
- C++实现和解读Face Alignment at 3000fps via Local Binary Feature
- SDM ppt
- 3000fps ppt
- Face Alignment at 3000FPS(C++版)工程配置
- Face Alignment at 3000FPS(matlab)工程配置
2. CLM-framework: https://github.com/TadasBaltrusaitis/CLM-framework,
3. Face Detection, Pose Estimation and Landmark Localization in the Wild :http://www.ics.uci.edu/~xzhu/face/
评价:Very slow (~10 seconds an image after hyper threading on a 8-core CPU), but very accurate when it comes to high pose variations
4. SDM patrikhuber/superviseddescent:https://github.com/patrikhuber/superviseddescent
评价:Nicely written C++ code, though not very robust
5. Robust face landmark estimation under occlusion:http://www.vision.caltech.edu/xpburgos/ICCV13/
评价:Specially designed for handling occlusions(遮挡区域), but slow on account being written in MATLAB.
6. 应用了CLM的项目:https://www.technologyreview.com/s/541866/this-car-knows-your-next-misstep-before-you-make-it/
评价:I actually explored a large number of open-source facial landmark detectors for a project, and found the CLM framework to outperform everything else (in terms of both speed and accuracy). We eventually used it in our project: www.technologyreview.com/news/…
7. clandmark:https://github.com/uricamic/clandmark
8. kylemcdonald/FaceTracker:https://github.com/kylemcdonald/FaceTracker
9. Android app for facial landmark tracking
评价:安装该app需要OpenCV Manager,我已提供链接.。
10. kylemcdonald/FaceTracker:https://github.com/kylemcdonald/FaceTracker
11. ofxFaceTracker:https://github.com/kylemcdonald/ofxFaceTracker